
The acclaimed true story of how one woman's musical gift affected those who least expected it. A single mother with little more than talent and the determination to make a difference, Roberta Guaspari overcame the skepticism of everyone who didn't think she should be teaching violin to students in a tough inner-city neighborhood. However, even after a decade of ever-growing popularity and countless success stories, Roberta and her kids must rise to meet an even greater challenge: budget cuts aimed at shutting down her valuable program for good. This extraordinary story will inspire anyone who's ever thought their dreams were too far out of reach.

Music Of The Heart


2000 Academy Awards


  • Best Music - Original Song Score
  • Best Actress - Leading Role


2000 Golden Globes


  • Best Actress - Drama

Featured Clips

Music of the Heart - A Toast

Music of the Heart - A Toast

Music of the Heart - It's Been a While

Music of the Heart - It's Been a While

Music of the Heart - Nice

Music of the Heart - Nice

Music of the Heart - Next Year

Music of the Heart - Next Year

Music of the Heart - Marriage and Divorce

Music of the Heart - Marriage and Divorce

Music of the Heart - Old Friends

Music of the Heart - Old Friends

Music of the Heart - A Word

Music of the Heart - A Word

Music of the Heart - Dead White Men's Music

Music of the Heart - Dead White Men's Music

Music of the Heart - Official Trailer (HD)

Music of the Heart - Official Trailer (HD)

Music of the Heart - Discipline

Music of the Heart - Discipline

Music of the Heart - Parking Tickets

Music of the Heart - Parking Tickets

Now Playing: Music of the Heart - A Toast
Starring: Meryl Streep, Aidan Quinn

Brian and Roberta toast a successful first week at the school, then he admits he wishes they could get closer. In this scene: Roberta Guaspari (Meryl Streep), Brian Turner (Aidan Quinn)