Yareli Arizmendi

Yareli Arizmendi

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Now Playing: Like Water For Chocolate - Emotional Intoxication
Starring: Regina Torne, Lumi Cavazos, Yareli Arizmendi, Marco Lenonardi

Tita's strong emotions have a lasting affect on those around her. Mama Elena (Regina Torne), Tita (Lumi Cavazos), Rosaura (Yareli Arizmendi), Pedro (Marco Lenonardi)

Like Water For Chocolate - Emotional Intoxication

Like Water For Chocolate - Emotional Intoxication

Tita's strong emotions have a lasting affect on those around her. Mama Elena (Regina Torne), Tita (Lumi Cavazos), Rosaura (Yareli Arizmendi), Pedro (Marco Lenonardi)

Like Water for Chocolate - A Caretaker

Like Water for Chocolate - A Caretaker

Dr. John Brown takes Tita away to care for her in Texas. In this scene: Tita (Lumi Cavazos), Dr. John Brown (Mario Ivan Martinez)

Like Water for Chocolate - Burn Like A Candle

Like Water for Chocolate - Burn Like A Candle

Dr. John Brown shares an ancient story with Tita. In this scene: Tita (Lumi Cavazos), Dr. John Brown (Mario Ivan Martinez)

Like Water for Chocolate - Moving Away

Like Water for Chocolate - Moving Away

As Tita attends to her nephew, she overhears her mother's intentions for Pedro and Rosaura. In this scene: Tita (Lumi Cavazos), Rosaura (Yareli Arizmendi), Mama Elena (Regina Torne)

Like Water for Chocolate - My Love Forever

Like Water for Chocolate - My Love Forever

Pedro confesses his love to Tita. In this scene: Pedro (Marco Leonardi), Tita (Lumi Cavazos)

Like Water for Chocolate - Overcome With Passion

Like Water for Chocolate - Overcome With Passion

Tita places all her passion for Pedro into a meal of rose petals, which has a surprising effect on Gertrudis. In this scene: Tita (Lumi Cavazos), Mama Elena (Regina Torne)

Like Water for Chocolate - Pedro Getting Married

Like Water for Chocolate - Pedro Getting Married

Devastated by Pedro's upcoming wedding, Nacha reassures Tita of his true feelings. In this scene: Tita (Lumi Cavazos), Nacha (Ada Carrasco)

Like Water for Chocolate - Sensitive to Onions

Like Water for Chocolate - Sensitive to Onions

Sensitive to food, Tita was born when her mother was chopping onions. In this scene: Mama Elena (Regina Torne), Juan (Rodolfo Arias)

Like Water for Chocolate - The Doctor's Proposal

Like Water for Chocolate - The Doctor's Proposal

Just as Tita makes it clear that she will never return to her mother, tragedy strikes the ranch. In this scene: Tita (Lumi Cavazos), Dr. John Brown (Mario Ivan Martinez), Chencha (Pilar Aranda)

Like Water for Chocolate - The Woman I Love

Like Water for Chocolate - The Woman I Love

On the wedding day, Pedro confesses the real reason why he married her sister. In this scene: Pedro (Marco Leonardi), Tita (Lumi Cavazos), Mama Elena (Regina Torne)